How was the first date?
When you got girl friend(or boy friend) for the first time,How did the first date go? Where did you go? What did you do? Was it happy? fun? or tired? embarrassing? Was there something great or wrong?
When I was in junior high school, I got along with a girl who had been next to me. After we graduated high shool,We went to different high school. Since I wanted to see her, I asked her out when we are first grade of high school. We had a double date with my friends couple. We went to a amusement park. I remember we had a uncomfortable time. Because I tryed to be a cool and mature guy in front of her, I could’nt be myself and ended up making her confuse. It was a big my fault. It’s embarrasing to remember it. Whenever I remember it I say to her in my mind that I’m so so sorry.
Ross: Oh, but it’s a sweet memory huh?
Me: Yeah. How about you Ross?
Chandler: I knew him when he was going out with his first girlfriend.
Ross: (looks embarrassed.)
Chandler: And I thought things were going to work out for him..Until the day he over inflated her. (He laughs. )
Me & Ross: …?