「英語でつぶやくこと」は、英語を話せるようになる1人トレーニングとしてとても有効。でもそれを、いざ実践しようとすると…「さて、何をつぶやく?…えーと…」となってしまい、つぶやき始めるまでに結構時間を食ってしまう。何をつぶやくか?いちいち考えなくても、即、つぶやきをスタートできる方法ってないかなあ…。と言うわけで、つぶやきを引き出してくれる刺激になりそうなアレコレ(質問、問いかけ、働きかけ、…などの言葉やイメージ ※もちろんFRIENDSからも色々抜粋!)を、《お題》として予めリストしておくことにしました。そうすれば「これらを見るだけで、何を言おうか迷うことなく、自動的に、言葉にしたい内容が湧き上がってくるだろう」。そんなアイデアの実践です。さて、うまく機能するかどうか?ひとまずこれを使って英語つぶやきトレーニングを続けてみたいと思います。英語を話せるようになりたい方々とシェアできればうれしいです。
- ①以下の《お題》を見て湧いてくることを英語でつぶやく。
- ②必ず声に出して行う。(ヒソヒソでも良いから)
- ③一旦、日本語を介さないようにする。
- ④センテンスが出てこなければ、単語を並べていくだけでも良い。
- ⑤Google翻訳などに音声入力し、答え合わせしてみる。(言いたいことが通じてれば良いと思う)
What is “smell-the-fart acting”?
Chandler: Hey, if you are a FRIENDS fan, you know what “smell-the-fart acting” is. Yes, that’s Joey’s special technique to remember long lines on the TV show. So, here is the question! Explain it in English! You can refer to here.
Answer to the next questions in English.
Q1. Say something to Joey as a friend at④
Q2. When Joey said “Yeah, did I fool ya?” at⑥. What does he mean? Explain it.
At the coffee house. Joey is coming back from the audition.You, Ross and Chandler are there.
①Joey: (entering, dejectedly)Hey.
②Chandler: Hey! How’d the audition go?
③Joey: Terrible! I messed up every line! I shouldn’t even be an actor!
④You: ( )
⑤Ross: Wait a minute, are you doing that thing where you pretend it didn’t go well but it really did go well?
⑥Joey: Yeah, did I fool ya?
⑦Ross: Totally!
Cheer up joey!
Joey is leaving for an audition. Friends are seeing him off. Everyone hopes he gets the part.
①Rachel: ..so Joey if you get this, you’re gonna be like the star of your own TV show! ..②Joey: Well, don’t get your hopes up, because probably not gonna happen.
③Chandler: Now-now, why would you say that Joseph?
④Joey: I mean come on you guys! My own TV show? I just don’t know if I’m good enough.⑤Rachel: Joey, what are you talking about? You’re a terrific actor.
⑥Joey: You really think so?
⑦Rachel: Ugh, how can you even ask that question?!
⑧You: ( )
オマケ:練習してサラッと使おう↓don’t get your hopes up
Phoebe is overacting.
( )を同じ意味の別の表現に言い換えて。
Phoebe is helping Joey rehearse for an audition. They are acting their part along the script. Phoebe is overacting her part and said.
①Phoebe: Oh my God.
②Joey: What?
③Phoebe: I am extremely talented!
④Joey: Yeah, you’re great! Okay, let’s take it from…
⑤Phoebe: No, I mean I was really acting (my ass off).
What do you think about Ross’s behavior?
①Chandler: Ross’ girlfriend was gonna go on a vacation trip and wear a very tiny bikini on a beach. A bunch of guys are there. He was worried about revealing. You know what Ross did? He hid them so she couldn’t take them. What do you think?
②You: ()
Ross ended up doing something. Guess what!
①Chandler: When Ross’s girl friend Elizabeth went on a trip for spring vacation to Florida, Ross was so worried about her hooking up with a bunch of guys there that he ended up doing something. Guess what he did?
②You:( )
She had the biggest Adam’s apple.
If you were Ross, what would you say at ②①Joey: When I first moved to the city, I went out a couple of times with this girl, really hot, great kisser, but she had the biggest Adam’s apple. It made me nuts.
②Ross: ( )
What’s something you hate people doing while eating?
①Chandler: What’s something you hate people doing while eating? I was having yogurt, and everyone started talking about pregnancy. Phoebe goes, “In some places, they eat placenta.” It killed my appetite; gross images. Can’t handle that.
②you: ( )
Spill the beans!
①Chandler: Hey, do you know Joey’s secret? This is it! By the way, you’ve got a secret too, right? Spill the beans!
②You: ( )
Are you gonna go to your parents’ house on this winter vacation?
①You: Hey, are you gonna go to your parents’ house on this winter vacation?
②Me: I don’t know. I mean, whenever I go back, my mom drives me crazy, picking on every little detail. I hate it.
③Monica: I know!!
④You: ( )