Let’s make hypothetical story using “What if ~”
Like "Monica: What if I was still fat?" "Chandler: What if I had had the guts to quit my job?" "Phoebe: What if I had taken that job at Merrill Lynch?" We are going to make a hypothesis and talk how different would our life be!
FRIENDSのseasen6-15では、各キャラクターの仮説「あの時もし××だったら?」を基に仮想を展開していますね。同じことを誰もが一度は、やったことがあるでしょう。さて、そこで、今度はそれを英語で、やってみましょう!彼らのように”What if ~”を使って、仮説を立て、続けて仮想の話を語ってみて。
What if I hadn’t taken German class as second language class we had to taken? I would never have met this guy who asked me to come to Kyoto then I would never have lived in Kyoto, I would never have met my wife so my daughters would never have been in this world.
Rachel: And What if you had met me instead when you were 20?
Me: Well, I could have fallen in love with you.
Rachal: (smiling and thinking something) Hey, Do you want to go see a movie tonight?
Me: sure!