If I were looking for a roommate…
( )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。
At Joey’s. Joey is writing something on a piece of paper at the kitchen table. You enter from the front door.
①You: Hey, Joe, what's up?
②Joey: I'm making ad copy to find a new roommate. Chandler moved out to Monica's. I gotta find a new roommate. So I'm gonna post my ad in the newspaper. (He shows you the paper.)
③You: (reading it) "Wanted: Female roommate, non-smoker, non-ugly." ..Okay..
④Joey: What? Is something wrong here?
⑤You: Nah, I was just thinking about what I'd say in the copy if I were looking for a roommate.
⑥Joey: What message would you come up with?
⑦You:( )