What makes you happy lately? and Why?
food? drink? fashion? conversation? reading? practice? work? friend?idea? ...etc. and Why does it makes you happy?
食べ物? 飲み物? ファッション? 会話? 読書? 何かの練習? 仕事? 友達? アイデア? 何でも、あなたを今一番幸せにすることって何?何か小さな小さな幸せでもOK! そしてそれは何故?
It’s cooking! I come back home from work and start cooking for dinner drinking beer. While I cook, I come up with many ideas for dinner continuously. It’s really fun! Basically I love creating something. So I often get carry away ,then make dinner too much!
Joey: (There are some sandwiches on the plate in front of him. and He is eating one.)Hey! why don’t you call me then? I will come over to your place.
Me: OK! (Looking at his sandwiches)hey,The salami looks delicious, by the way. Let me taste a little.(reaching out and trying to take it)
Joey: (Drawing the plate to him)No! No! No! No! Joey doesn’t share food!!