
FRIENDSを使った英会話練習課題集(付録)-- 英語つぶやき《お題》集



「英語でつぶやくこと」は、英語を話せるようになる1人トレーニングとしてとても有効。でもそれを、いざ実践しようとすると…「さて、何をつぶやく?…えーと…」となってしまい、つぶやき始めるまでに結構時間を食ってしまう。何をつぶやくか?いちいち考えなくても、即、つぶやきをスタートできる方法ってないかなあ…。と言うわけで、つぶやきを引き出してくれる刺激になりそうなアレコレ(質問、問いかけ、働きかけ、…などの言葉やイメージ ※もちろんFRIENDSからも色々抜粋!)を、《お題》として予めリストしておくことにしました。そうすれば「これらを見るだけで、何を言おうか迷うことなく、自動的に、言葉にしたい内容が湧き上がってくるだろう」。そんなアイデアの実践です。さて、うまく機能するかどうか?ひとまずこれを使って英語つぶやきトレーニングを続けてみたいと思います。英語を話せるようになりたい方々とシェアできればうれしいです。


  • ①以下の《お題》を見て湧いてくることを英語でつぶやく。
  • ②必ず声に出して行う。(ヒソヒソでも良いから)
  • ③一旦、日本語を介さないようにする。
  • ④センテンスが出てこなければ、単語を並べていくだけでも良い。
  • ⑤Google翻訳などに音声入力し、答え合わせしてみる。(言いたいことが通じてれば良いと思う)


  • 2023/08/12

    I want to go to the beach!

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。

    ①Ross: Hey, look at the sky. It’s typical summer sky! Oh, I miss the beach! I want to go to the beach!

    ②You: ( )

  • 2023/08/07

    We found someone too.

    <Script setting>

    There’s a big charity ball this weekend and Rachel’s boss bought a table, so she has to go and needs to find a date. So Rachel asked her friends if they know any cute guy.


    At Chandler & Monica’s. Chandler & Monica are in the kitchen. Phoebe enters.

    ①Phoebe: Hey, I just thought of the perfect guy for Rachel to take to her thing.

    ②Chandler: Oh that’s so funny because we found someone too.

    ③You: ( )

  • 2023/08/01

    If you were in a secret relationship with someone…

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。

    At the coffee house. You and Rachel are chatting.

    ①Rachel: Hey, have you ever had a secret relationship?

    ②You: What do you mean?

    ③Rachel: You know, you shouldn’t have gone out with someone you work with, or if you were a teacher, you shouldn’t have gone out with your student.

    ④You: Oh, that. No, I haven’t.

    ⑤Rachel: If you were in a secret relationship with someone at work, how would you show affection towards each other while at work?

    ⑥You: Well, we might decide a sign, like scratching our nose or something.

    ⑦Rachel: Oh, that’s sweet! Anything else?

    ⑧You: ( )

  • 2023/07/27

    Because the summer vacation has began.

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。

    You and Monica are chatting.

    ①You:( )

    ②Monica: Because the summer vacation has began.

  • 2023/07/20

    Do you know any cute guys?

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。

    At the coffee house, Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and You are there as Rachel enters.

    ①Rachel: Hey!

    ②All: Hi! Hey!

    ③Rachel: Do you guys know any cute guys? there’s this big charity ball this weekend and Our boss bought a table, so I kinda have to go…I need to find a date.

    ④You: ( )

  • 2023/07/13

    If I were looking for a roommate…

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。

    At Joey’s. Joey is writing something on a piece of paper at the kitchen table. You enter from the front door.

    ①You: Hey, Joe, what’s up?

    ②Joey: I’m making ad copy to find a new roommate. Chandler moved out to Monica’s. I gotta find a new roommate. So I’m gonna post my ad in the newspaper. (He shows you the paper.)

    ③You: (reading it) “Wanted: Female roommate, non-smoker, non-ugly.” ..Okay..

    ④Joey: What? Is something wrong here?

    ⑤You: Nah, I was just thinking about what I’d say in the copy if I were looking for a roommate.

    ⑥Joey: What message would you come up with?

    ⑦You:( )

  • 2023/07/08

    What is the occasion which you hate.

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。

    You are one of FRIENDS. At monica’s place. Monica and You are talking at the kitchen table.

    ①You: Why does Chandler hate Thanksgiving?

    ②Monica: That’s because he was told by his parents about their divorce right in the middle of the Thanksgiving dinner when he was a child.

    ③You: Oh, I see.

    ④Monica: Hey, do you have any days or occasions that you dislike, similar to Chandler’s Thanksgiving?

    ⑤You: ( )

  • 2023/07/06

    Joey totally forgot about the audition.

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。
    At your place. You are relaxing on the couch in the living room.
    ①Chandler: (enters, looking tired)
    ②You: Hey, what’s up?
    ③Chandler: (goes to the fridge, takes out two cans of beer, and hands one to you) You know the audition I got for Joey, right?
    ④You: Yeah, you asked your friend from college who became a movie director, didn’t you?
    ⑤Chandler: Yeah.
    ⑥You: I heard that you haven’t talked to her in like ten years. It must have been tough to ask for her help. You must have wondered if you were being rude. I think you’re the best, though. Huh?
    ⑦Chandler: (drinks beer and sits on the sofa) The audition is today, and Joey totally forgot about it until now.
    ⑧You: What?! But it’s a big opportunity, right? I heard it’s an Al Pacino movie. That’s huge!
    ⑨Chandler: Yeah, he’s rushing to the audition, but I think it’s too late.
    ⑩You: ( )

  • 2023/07/06

    There’s a new Indiana Jones movie coming soon!

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。
    At the coffee house, Ross is sitting on the couch, engrossed in his smartphone, as you approach him.
    ①You: Hey, what’s up?
    ②Ross: Hey! Did you hear? There’s a new Indiana Jones movie coming soon! I can’t wait to watch it!
    ③You: ( )

  • 2023/07/06

    What plans do you have in this summer.

    (  )にはまるセリフを作ってつぶやけ。
    At the coffee house. Phoebe and you are chatting there.
    ①Phoebe: It’s July. Summer is around the corner. What plans do you have in this summer.
    ②You:( )

Thank you for coming!



タカユキ…パソコン仕事人 。京都で、編集、DTP等の現場経験後、日本の伝統衣装、小物制作現場で活動。現在、次なる活動フィールドを模索中。メッセージ、ご連絡はこちらからお願いします。


「英語つぶやき」は英会話力UPに良く効くらしい。 それじゃあ、スキマ時間を見つけては、英語をつぶやこう!と言うわけで、「英語つぶやき《お題》集」を作っておくことにしました。見れば自動的につぶやきが湧いて来るはず。これを使って毎日英語をつぶやき続けてみようと思います。名付けて「英語つぶやきマラソン」。あなたも一緒にやりませんか?




English Buffet(イングリッシュバフェ)がお勧め!!

私も通っています。English Buffetという名称が表す通り、バイキング料理みたいな方式の英会話スクールです。ユニークなクラスが色々開設されていて、その時の能力や興味に応じて、自分で好きなようにメニューを組み立て、受講できます。英語を教える事が楽しくて仕方ない先生たちが、とても誠実に運営されていて、間違いなくお勧めの英会話スクールです。